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羊抗牛IgG免疫血清公司有人IgG 兔IgG羊IgG 豬IgG小鼠IgG 大鼠IgG豚鼠IgG 雞IgG 牛IgG 馬IgG 等更多產(chǎn)品,咨詢訂購!

羊抗牛IgG免疫血清抗體本公司提供的熒光抗體是將抗血清,經(jīng)純化成抗體IgG成分,采用直接標(biāo)記方法,將異硫氰酸熒光素(FITC美國sigma產(chǎn)品)及異硫氰酸羅達(dá)明熒光素(紅色)(RBITC, sigma產(chǎn))共價(jià)交聯(lián)到抗體(IgG)分子的賴氨酸分子上,并經(jīng)過純化、蛋白量、FITC、RBITC濃度及效價(jià)鑒定而制成。
保存條件: -20°C
羊抗牛IgG免疫血清抗體公司其他優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)品:Rat Collagen Type Ⅳ,Col Ⅳ       Porcine Immunoglobulin E,IgE     Rat Collagen Type Ⅳ,Col Ⅳ   
Rat glucocorticoid receptor-α,GR-α       Human anti-EJ-antibody,EJ/GlyRS     Rat glucocorticoid receptor-α,GR-α   
Rat glucocorticoid receptor-β,GR-β       Human epidermal keratin,EK     Rat glucocorticoid receptor-β,GR-β   
Rat Homocysteic acid,Hcy      Human Elastase     Rat Homocysteic acid,Hcy  
Rat α-glutathione S-transferases,α-GST      Human Elastin,ELN     Rat α-glutathione S-transferases,α-GST  
Rat C-type natriuretic peptide,CNP      Human elongin A,EloA     Rat C-type natriuretic peptide,CNP  
Rat ovalbumin specific IgE,OVA sIgE      Rat carbonic anhydrase,CA     Rat ovalbumin specific IgE,OVA sIgE  
Rat Hydrocortisone,HYD      Human Endothelial lipase,EL     Rat Hydrocortisone,HYD  
Rat Pepsin,PP      Human EuglobulinLysis,EL     Rat Pepsin,PP  
Rat Bladder tumor antigen,BTA      Mouse Endothelial lipase,EL     Rat Bladder tumor antigen,BTA  
Rat plaet-derived growth factor-BB,PDGF-BB      Human endomorphin-2,EM-2     Rat plaet-derived growth factor-BB,PDGF-BB  
Rat complement factor H,CFH      Rat anti-Endomysial Antibody IgA,EMA IgA     Rat complement factor H,CFH  
Rat trypsinogen activation peptide,TAP      Human anti-Endomysial Antibody IgA,EMA IgA     Rat trypsinogen activation peptide,TAP  
Rat visfatin      Mouse anti-Endomysial Antibody IgA,EMA IgA     Rat visfatin  
Rat TGF-beta-inducible early response gene-1,TIEG1      Rat Endometrium Antibody,EMAb     Rat TGF-beta-inducible early response gene-1,TIEG1  
Rat 26S proteasome,26S PSM      Human eye muscle antibody,EMAb     Rat 26S proteasome,26S PSM  
Rat Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7,Smad7      Human Endometrium Antibody,EMAb     Rat Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7,Smad7  
Rat Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1,Smad1      Mouse Endometrium Antibody,EMAb     Rat Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1,Smad1  
Rat heat shock protein 27,HSP-27      Human Epithelial membrane antigen,EMA     Rat heat shock protein 27,HSP-27  
Rat cross linked N-opeptide of type Ⅰ collagen,NTX      Deer erythrocyte membrane protein,EMP      Rat cross linked N-opeptide of type Ⅰ collagen,NTX  
Rat plaet antibodies IgG/M/A,PA-IgG/M/A      Human erythrocyte membrane protein,EMP     Rat plaet antibodies IgG/M/A,PA-IgG/M/A  
Rat N-Acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro,AcSDKP       Rat Anti-Thrombin Ⅲ,AT-Ⅲ     Rat N-Acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro,AcSDKP   
Rat lymphocyte factor      Human Epithelial neutrophil activating peptide 78,ENA-78     Rat lymphocyte factor  
Rat Bone morphogenetic protein 6,BMP-6       Mouse Epithelial neutrophil activating peptide 78,ENA-78     Rat Bone morphogenetic protein 6,BMP-6   
Rat Hya]uronate binding protein,HABP      Human anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibody,ENA-Ab     Rat Hya]uronate binding protein,HABP  
Rat Calretinin,CR      Mouse Soluble Endoglin,ENG/sCD105      Rat Calretinin,CR  
Rat adrenergic alpha-1A receptor,ADRA1A      Human enkephalin,ENK     Rat adrenergic alpha-1A receptor,ADRA1A  
Rat Dopamine D1 receptor,D1R      Rat Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3,eNOS-3     Rat Dopamine D1 receptor,D1R  
Rat β-Defensins,β-DF      Human α1-Acid glycoprotein,α1-AGP     Rat β-Defensins,β-DF  
Rat Estrogen Receptor,ER      Rabbit Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3,eNOS-3      Rat Estrogen Receptor,ER  
Rat Helicobacter pylori IgG,Hp-IgG      Mouse Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3,eNOS-3     Rat Helicobacter pylori IgG,Hp-IgG  
Rat neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL      Porcine Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3,eNOS-3     Rat neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL  
Rat advanced glycation end products,AGEs      Rat lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2,Lp-PL-A2     Rat advanced glycation end products,AGEs  
Rat Pentosidine      Deer Endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS      Rat Pentosidine  
Rat 6-keto-prostaglandin F1a,6-K-PGF1a      Human Endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS     Rat 6-keto-prostaglandin F1a,6-K-PGF1a  
Rat Retinol binding protein 4,RBP-4      Rabbit Endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS      Rat Retinol binding protein 4,RBP-4  
Rat bone morphogenetic proteins,BMPs      Guinea Pig Endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS      Rat bone morphogenetic proteins,BMPs  
Rat Alternative macrophage activation-associated CC chemokine 1,AMAC-1      Mouse Endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS     Rat Alternative macrophage activation-associated  
CC chemokine 1,AMAC-1  
Rat Cathepsin K,cath-K      Porcine Endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS     Rat Cathepsin K,cath-K  
Rat phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase,pERK      Human Enterovirus     Rat phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase,pERK  
Rat phospho Protein Kinase C,P-PKC      Human Eotaxin 1      Rat phospho Protein Kinase C,P-PKC  
Rat Collagenase I      Mouse Eotaxin 1     Rat Collagenase I  
Rat Triggering Receptor Expresses on Myeloid Cells-1,TREM-1      Guinea pig ovalbumin specific IgE,OVA sIgE     Rat Triggering Receptor Expresses on Myeloid Cells-1,TREM-1  
Rat Collagenase Type II       Human Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule,Ep-CAM     Rat Collagenase Type II   
Rat Thioredoxin,Trx      Rat Epinephrine/Adrenaline,EPI     Rat Thioredoxin,Trx  
Rat thioredoxin reductase,TrxR      Human Epinephrine/Adrenaline,EPI     Rat thioredoxin reductase,TrxR  
Rat Protein Phosphatase,PP      Mouse Epinephrine/Adrenaline,EPI     Rat Protein Phosphatase,PP  
Rat calmodulin,CAM       Porcine Epinephrine/Adrenaline,EPI     Rat calmodulin,CAM   
Rat orphanin FQ/nociceptin,OFQ/N       Rat Erythropoietin receptor,EPOR     Rat orphanin FQ/nociceptin,OFQ/N   
Rat omentin      Human Erythropoietin receptor,EPOR     Rat omentin  
Rat Apolipoprotein E,Apo-E      Rat Erythropoietin,EPO     Rat Apolipoprotein E,Apo-E  
Rat peroxisome proliferators activator receptors alpha,PPAR-α      Human Erythropoietin,EPO      Rat peroxisome proliferators activator receptors alpha,PPAR-α  
Rat monocyte chemotactic protein 4,MCP-4       Mouse Erythropoietin,EPO     Rat monocyte chemotactic protein 4,MCP-4   
Rat α1-microglobulin,α1-MG      Human epidemic parotitis,EP     Rat α1-microglobulin,α1-MG  
Rat cytochrome P450 2E1,CYP2E1      human excision repair cross-complementation group 1,ERCC1     Rat cytochrome P450 2E1,CYP2E1  
Rat transforming growth factorsβ2,TGFβ2       rat Estradiol receptor,ER     Rat transforming growth factorsβ2,TGFβ2   
Rat Bromodeoxyuridine,BrdU       Rat Estrogen Receptor,ER     Rat Bromodeoxyuridine,BrdU   
Rat Visceral adipose-specific serine protease inhibitor,vaspin       Human Estradiol receptor,ER     Rat Visceral adipose-specific serine protease inhibitor,vaspin   
Rat growth hormone releasing peptide-Ghrelin,GHRP-Ghrelin       Human Estrogen Receptor,ER     Rat growth hormone releasing peptide-Ghrelin,GHRP-Ghrelin   
Rat cytochrome P450,CYP450      Mouse Estradiol receptor,ER     Rat cytochrome P450,CYP450  
Rat Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid,β-OHB       Porcine Estradiol receptor,ER     Rat Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid,β-OHB   
Rat Heat Shock Factor 1,HSF1       Human anti-Endostatin antibody,ES-Ab     Rat Heat Shock Factor 1,HSF1   

產(chǎn)品相關(guān)關(guān)鍵字: 羊抗牛IgG免疫血清


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兔抗人IgG免疫血清抗體  兔抗人IgA免疫血清抗體  兔抗人IgM免疫血清 
兔抗人纖維蛋白原抗體  兔抗人血清抗體  兔抗人IgG-F免疫血清抗體 
兔抗人白蛋白抗體  兔抗人IgG-FC免疫血清抗體  兔抗人小鼠IgG免疫血清抗體 

